It is the study of matter at the nanoscale, at dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometres, where unique phenomena can have many applications. In this technology, the material is broken on an atomic scale to make microscopic devices such as robots, etc. Atoms are placed like bricks, nanotechnology gives us information about the whole structure of the matter, it allows us to make any structure permitted by laws of nature.

Nanotechnology’s future products are based on the present and future developments of a large number of nanomaterials. If we develop new varieties of nanomaterials then we can manufacture new technology and devices.

It is the study of matter at the nanoscale, at dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometres, where unique phenomena can have many applications. In this technology, the material is broken on an atomic scale to make microscopic devices such as robots, etc. Atoms are placed like bricks, nanotechnology gives us information about the whole structure of the matter, it allows us to make any structure permitted by laws of nature.

Nanotechnology’s future products are based on the present and future developments of a large number of nanomaterials. If we develop new varieties of nanomaterials then we can manufacture new technology and devices.

Our daily life will be impacted on a large scale. Fast computers, advanced and effective medicines, controlled drugs in medicines, biodegradable materials, fast repairing of nerves and tissues, coatings of crackproof surface, better skincare and protection, compact and effective sensors, efficient telecommunications, etc.

There are many applications of nanotechnology such as nano-composites, nano-clays, nano-coatings and nano-structured surfaces, and nano lubricants. They also represent developments of existing technologies: for example, the reduction in the size of electronics devices.

Fundamental Concepts of Nanotechnology:-
Nanoscience and nanotechnology have the ability to see individual atoms and molecules. Atoms are a very basic part of this planet everything is made up of atoms —for example, food, clothes, buildings and houses, and our bodies.

But it is impossible to see such small things with the naked human eye. It’s impossible to see with the microscopes used in high school science classes. To see the matter at nanoscale microscopes were invented in the early 1980s.

When the scientists got the right tools, such as different types of microscopes like scanning microscope, tunneling microscope, etc, nanotechnology has taken a new birth.

But then also modern nanoscience and nanotechnology are very new to common people. small-sized gold and silver particles created colors in the shiny glass windows of very old churches hundreds of years ago. At that time the artists just didn’t know that the process they used to create these beautiful works of art led to changes in the composition of the materials they were working with.